
The focus of this site is to bring people and projects together to make the world a better place in some way.

Many people have great ideas but lack the skills to realize them. Other people have skills but need projects where they get to apply those skills. Some have ideas and skills but need to be part of a community to accomplish things.

So: Share your ideas on how to solve problems. Help transform abstract thoughts into concrete projects. Make projects become reality.

How do I contribute?

The site is very much a work in progress. Ways for you to share and comment on ideas will get added shortly. Until then, please send ideas and other feedback to [email protected] Please note that you will get a reply from another mail address since outgoing mail isn't set up for this domain yet.

Get notified when new projects are added

Please signup here if you want to get an occasional (monthly) email with a list of the latest added projects.

Ideal scope for projects:

  1. Projects should be actionable. Project plans should answer the question, "What can I, as an individual, do to make this project advance toward completion?"
  2. Projects should contribute to goals that improve something without debasing something else. This guideline is deliberately vague since people have very different feelings about these things. Let's discuss this.

What's up with the name?

It's a play on premature optimization, which is something you want to avoid when starting a project. An example would be if you make a small website, and start working on a solution to handle tens of thousands of hourly visitors before even launching.

"Always vaguely planning and never taking off" (Jack Kerouac in On The Road) can be a tempting strategy for new projects. You got to start somewhere, vaguely planning, but when you get your bearings, take off. There is no need to draw a detailed map if you don't know anything other than you need to gather firewood before dusk sets.

Thank you to:

The site is build with Hugo, which is made by Bjørn Erik Pedersen and a lot of other people. The license is Apache 2.0.

The theme is Clarity, made by Chip Zoller, Dan Weru and Ivan Boothe. It is licensed under the MIT license, and it contains the font Metropolis by Chris Simpson, which is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.

Hexagonal graphics (in the logo and elsewhere on the site) are made by Kenney Vleugels. The graphics are licensed under Creative Commons Zero.

Fonts First Time Writing and Datcub in the logo are made by https://www.ggbot.net/fonts/, and they are licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.